Mar 29, 2014

I can't focus - but I can do Focus T25

   It's a typical Saturday afternoon. I've been doing typical Saturday stuff: cleaning, cooking, laundry, changing sheets, cleaning out cabinets, checking in with my Challengers on FB, posting on my FB Page, cleaning out my refrigerator.
   You know what I realized?   I realized that I cannot focus on one thing for more than 40 minutes TOPS! My attention span to a task at hand is horrible. I mean to get one thing done before I move on but I physically can't. I have the attention span of a toaster.  Every blog article I read, I am told that I should finish a room before I move on to another. Yeah, right!!!! Not me!

I can't focus, scatterbrain, 21 day fix, work out, fitness, Beachbody, challenge, motivation, project fit you

If you saw my house throughout the day, it appears that no progress is made.  You can't tell which room I cleaned, vacuumed, and dusted.  You can't tell which laundry is going down to the basement to be washed and which has to be folded.  You also probably couldn't walk through my kitchen because I decided to empty out my cabinets, sort of a Spring Cleaning spur of the moment kind of thing.  I have so much junk in there that to find anything takes a good ten minutes!  My husband, who is more than willing to help, takes no part in this craziness because to his practical, organized mind, my mess, chaos or "a tornado went through this house" look of each room puts him in a frenzy.  He doesn't understand how I get anything done but praises me on a job well done at the end of the day.

And then I realized something else!

I realized that the reason I absolutely LOVE the Beachbody workouts is because they are made for people like me.

21 day fix, work out, fitness, Beachbody, challenge, motivation, project fit youHere's why:

1)  They are short. While some workouts are a bit longer, the ones that I chose are 30 minutes. The 21 Day Fix is 30 minutes.  Focus T25, as the name suggests, is 25 minutes.

2)  They are NOT the same workouts every day.  Both of the above mentioned fitness programs focus on different areas of your body each day.  There's a cardio day, "arm day", "leg day", stretch day, Pilates, yoga, etc.  The workouts alternate which is GOOD for me.  I don't get bored.  I look forward to each workout because I haven't seen it in at least a week!. Can't get bored.

3)  Each workout video has different routines within the 30 minutes.  There are sets of exercises usually a minute long. I CAN do a minute.  There's modifiers, and there are people you can follow that challenge you. There is also a calendar which tells me what to do on a particular day.

4) There's a little timer on the screen that tells you exactly how much time is left for each exercise.  See? Isn't that great? Now, every time I do an exercise, I know how much time I have left, I can focus on this goal.

21 day fix, work out, fitness, Beachbody, challenge, motivation, project fit you5)  The equipment used in the videos changes as well. In the 21 day fix, you are able to use light or heavy weights.  It changes it up for me so that I don't get bored with the light ones.  I can challenge myself but I can also go back to the lighter ones if I can't handle the heavy.

6)  The trainers "interact" with me.  They motivate me, tell me how much time is left. They tell me to push forward, not to stop. I need that. I would give up way to easily if I had to do it on my own.

7) MEAL PLANS - Have you ever tried to create a meal plan for a week only to find yourself two hours later without one?  Happens to me too. I'll search, and search and then search some more. One website leads to another and I just wasted 2 hours away.  We ended up getting pizza and Chinese a lot.  Not anymore.  The plans that are included in the fitness programs are flawless. I am told exactly what to eat, how much and when.

In case you're wondering... Yes... I had to walk away from this blog article a couple of times. I needed to take a break and come back to it. It's ok though. I get things done. I have figured out that I can handle a half an hour at a time. And that works for me.
Autumn Calabrese 10 - Minute Fix for abs from beachbody.
The 10 Minute Fix for Abs is PERFECT!

If you are interested in any of the programs I talked about in the above article, please check out this  LINK.

If you would like to find out about  any of my Challenge Groups, <----- click="" here.="" p="">If you would like to join any of my Challenge Groups, please click on this LINK.

Mar 23, 2014

Get results - Win Cash!!!

Oh my gosh!!!!! This just made my day!!!!!!!
Here's what showed up in my INBOX.

Would you like to get AMAZING results and have a chance to participate in an exclusive video shoot for the next FOCUS T25 infomercial? You might even be chosen for future FOCUS T25 workout DVDs.

Free Tshirt, T25, Focus T25, Get results, Get it Done, results, Project FIt You
If you want these results, you have GOT to do T25. Check out my article - Challenge Group to find out more about what I do and if this would be the right fit for you. :-)

I am starting T25 tomorrow. I'll be taking my "Before" photos tomorrow as well.

Check out this link to find out more!

Mar 22, 2014

Project Fit You - New Blog Name and FB LIKE Page

Why this new name????
Project Fit You, fitness, evelinafit, evelina.tbbAs many of you know, I have been working at trying to improve myself.  I had my son in 2010, gained a ridiculous amount of weight and never lost it.  Since then, I've tried many diets and fitness programs to help me with the process.  I used to whine and complain about how it's everybody's fault that I am not losing weight without really evaluating what it is that I'm doing wrong! 
Once day, while looking for fitness programs online, I stumbled upon a blog of someone who would end up changing my attitude.  A couple weeks before that, I purchased T25 and it just sat there in my closet.  Her story convinced me and I signed up to do her Clean Eating Holiday Survival Challenge Group.
Within a couple weeks, with her guidance and daily motivation, suggestions and support I started to
1) View food differently
2) I began to plan out my meals
3) I started eating more fruits and veggies
4) I no longer bought junk food
5) I thought about how I can nourish my body vs damaging it.
The list goes on. 

Eventually, I picked up the T25 and worked out.  In February, I purchased the 21 Day Fix and loved it.  So far, I have lost 12 lbs and even though I have a long way to go, I know that this time I will be successful
So, why this page?
Somewhere along the way, I decided that I want to help and inspire others to reach their goals while continuing on my journey to health and fitness.  So join me in my journey to health and fitness & check out my new Like Page on FB - Project Fit You

Let’s do this together.

Mar 17, 2014

Join my new Challenge Group

I regularly run Challenge Groups.  Please go to my Challenge Group page to see the types of Challenge Groups you would be interested it. If you don't see a Challenge Group you would like to participate in, let me know in the application what would interest you. :-)

Mar 16, 2014

5 Day Fast Track

5 Day Fast Track is the first week to the T25 Fitness Program Meal plan

T 25, 5 day fast track, Shaun T, beachbody, shakeology, meal plan, nutrition

Mar 13, 2014

Vanilla Tiramisu Shakeology

I thought I would give you one of my favorite recipes - Tiramisu Vanilla Shakeology.
As soon as you open the bag of Shakeology, it smells like pudding. Now add all the ingredients and you have a quilt free dessert for breakfast. Only 166 calories! 

Shakeology, Vanilla Shakeology, Tiramisu Vanilla Shakeology, breakfast, Vanilla Shakeology recipe, Vanilla Shakeology recipes


Mar 12, 2014

Egg white omelet with peppers & cheddar

NOTE:  The name of the blog in all the pictures is from my previous blog.  These are all my original pictures :-)

Here's a breakfast I make often.

Clean eating, omelet, breakfast, 21 day fix, containers, Shakeology, The Fix, diet, weight loss

- egg whites
- red or yellow pepper
- sharp cheddar
- Ezekiel bread (toasted)

You may use fresh eggs but I like to just have those ready. It's also less messy. :-)

That's it. It's that simple.
I pre-measure the egg whites into my red container, my peppers into my green container, and cheese into the blue.  I do not add any salt because my flavor comes from the eggs, peppers and the cheese.  :-)
The breakfast is very filling and many times, I don't even finish the whole portion. 


Mar 10, 2014

What's a Challenge Group?

For those of you who have been following, I take part in and run different Challenge Groups.  If you are wondering what that is... here's a video I would like you to watch. It will give you more info about what I do and what YOU CAN DO!

Enjoy and remember to comment and/or  let me know if you have any questions :-)

Click here to view a quick video about Challenge Groups. 

If you would like to join my Challenge Group - fill out this Challenge Group Application

Mar 9, 2014

Meal Plan for 3-10-14

Hi all.
It's Sunday which means it's meal planning day!
Below is my meal plan for this week. Feel free to use the ideas! Let me know if you'd like me to continue posting my meal plans. :-)

Meal Plan, Clean eating, 21 day fix meal plan

Mar 4, 2014

A challenge on top of a challenge

In addition to my 21 Day Fix Challenge, I have decided to challenge myself to plank.

The next 30 days will be spent on improving my plank time. I really don't like planks and it's probably because I stink at them. I will work my way up from 20 seconds all the way to 5 minutes!!!!!! Wish me luck. If you'd like to join me - copy paste the challenge to your blog and don't forget to link me!!!

Here's what a plank should look like:

 What NOT to do!

Mar 3, 2014

Did you start your diet today?

If you would like to take part in my challenge group - fill out this Challenge Group Application

Week 2 of the 21 Day Fix

Today starts the 3rd week of my 21 Day Fix Challenge. 
Let's cut to the chase.  Since starting the program two weeks ago, I have:
  • lost 4 pounds
  • completely re-evaluated my portion sizes
  • stuck to my workout routine
  • drank more water than ever
  • replaced all dressings in my house with my own
  • have NOT missed junky, processed food AT ALL!

21 day fix, 21 day fix results, takes 21 days to form a habit, 21 day fix results, Beachbody, 21 day fix calendar

We all have heard the expression: It takes 21 days to form a habit.  The people over at Beachbody are pretty darn smart.  The program, as the name suggests is a 21 day program.  It is something "doable". The work outs are short, the meals are no different from what you would be making, and you are really doing NOTHING out of the ordinary.  You are just leading your life the same way as always with the little exception of dedicating a half an hour a day for work outs & eating well.  I find that to be a great deal. My husband, who loves all things greasy, breaded and buttered is beginning to see the difference in me and is beginning to take more interest in my commitment to Clean Eating & working out. 

One thing I must say: I am not perfect. I am nowhere near my goal weight. THAT will take a lot more time.  I have struggled with weight for quite a few years and I am finally realizing that I will NOT undo it, fix it, lose it, whatever you want to call it, overnight. It's not going to happen.  I hit roadblocks. I do. I want to go out and get chips and eat a whole bucket of ice cream.  Some days are harder than others but for the most part, I am trying my best to stick to my program.  

In the last week, the homestretch, I am going to be pushing extra hard to see results.  The last three days, I will be completing the 3 Day Quick Fix.  It's nothing scary, just a slightly different meal plan from what I usually eat. But that's for the next post. 

If you are interested in hearing more - comment below. :-) Also, go to my website to check out great work this program and many other programs and resources that are there for you!